
Saturday, April 14, 2018

Love Cells (Season 1)

Episode: 15
Ma Dae Choong has failed in numerous love relationships and has become jaded toward women and romance. Giving up on himself and his love life, he has become an unmotivated, lazy, and messy person. One day a "love cell" called Nebi from his body comes out to try to get him to find a girlfriend and fall in love, otherwise the love cell would be dead forever and Ma Dae Choong would continue the current, unsatisfactory life he is living. However, the goal girlfriend Nebi decided for him to chase after is no other than Ma Dae Choong's favorite celebrity, Seo Rin. 

The episodes were all very short to watch and it was quick watch. I personally did not enjoy this drama because it did not fit my preferences. It was an easy storyline but not very realistic as it was meant to be a romantic-fantasy/comedy. If you plan on watching this, do not take this drama seriously and go into it with the mindset that you will simply be entertained and possibly have your time wasted. I did not enjoy this drama and did not much have to think about it. However, I found some plot issues with this drama. The ending was confusing because did he lose his love cell? Would that mean he has no ability to love the landlord's daughter who looks like Nebi? Also, if he developed feelings for his love cell wouldn't that be contradictory because it would mean that he loves himself? The plot did not seem to make sense at all for this season and I did not enjoy it.

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